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Bree ‘Tia’ Batey

Bree Batey aka Tia is a renowned Master Astrologist, known for her work in Sophia Consciousness and the Feminine Mythos of Astrology. Tia is the General Manager of Haven of Ascension and Chieftess of Awakening Soul Native American Church. With a passion for helping individuals explore the depths of their psyche and connect with their true selves, Tia has become a leading voice in the fields of astrology, entheogenic integration, and spiritual consciousness.


Through her workshop “Sophia Consciousness and the Feminine Mythos of Astrology,” Tia guides participants on a journey of self-discovery and intuitive wisdom. Through learning the symbolism and mythology surrounding the feminine archetypes found in astrology like the moon, goddess, and planet Venus, she helps others find meaning and guidance in their own personal path.


Tia is dedicated to helping individuals find their soul’s purpose through tapping into the intuition and creative imagination. Her workshop provides a space for participants to delve deeper into their own understanding of themselves and the cosmos, allowing for growth and personal transformation.
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